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Supreme Court Shocker: Colorado Web Designer Wins Same-Sex Wedding Website Case

Colorado Web Designer’s Case: A Twist in the Supreme Court Ruling

Key Points:

  • U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado web designer who refused to create wedding websites for gay couples.
  • The designer cited a request from a man who claims he never asked to work with her.

Hot Take:

In a surprising turn of events, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado web designer who refused to create wedding websites for same-sex couples. The designer’s argument was based on a request from a man who now says he never actually asked to work with her. This case raises questions about the validity of the designer’s claims and the implications of the ruling for future cases involving discrimination. As the debate around this issue continues, it’s essential for individuals to be aware of their rights and seek legal counsel if they believe they have been discriminated against.

Supreme Court Ruling: Colorado Web Designer and Same-Sex Wedding Websites

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