SPJ Sunshine Award Honors Top News Outlets for Exemplary Journalism
Key Points:
- ProPublica, The Texas Tribune, The Marshall Project, Military Times, City Bureau, and The Maine Monitor receive SPJ Sunshine Award
- Award recognizes outstanding efforts in promoting transparency and open government
- Winners demonstrated exceptional investigative journalism and public service
Hot Take:
In a time when transparency and open government are more important than ever, it’s crucial to recognize and celebrate the efforts of news organizations that go above and beyond in their pursuit of truth. The SPJ Sunshine Award honors those outlets that have demonstrated exceptional investigative journalism and public service, and this year’s recipients – ProPublica, The Texas Tribune, The Marshall Project, Military Times, City Bureau, and The Maine Monitor – have truly made a difference in their communities. As we continue to navigate an increasingly complex world, it’s essential to support and promote the work of these dedicated journalists who strive to keep the public informed and hold those in power accountable.
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