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Peru Bus Accident: 20 Fatalities, 20 Injured – Legal Support in Tragedies

Tragic Bus Accident in Peru Leaves 20 Dead and 20 Injured

Key Points:

  • At least 20 fatalities reported in a bus accident in Peru
  • 20 more individuals injured in the incident
  • Local mayor Manuel Zevallos of Anco district confirms the news
  • Accident occurred overnight

Our Take:

In a heartbreaking turn of events, a bus accident in Peru has resulted in the loss of at least 20 lives and left 20 more injured. The local mayor of the Anco district, Manuel Zevallos, confirmed the tragic news to media outlet RPP on Monday. As we mourn the lives lost in this devastating accident, it is crucial to remember the importance of seeking legal assistance in such situations. A skilled law firm can help navigate the complexities of accident cases, ensuring that victims and their families receive the support and compensation they deserve.

Tragic Bus Accident in Peru: 20 Dead, 20 Injured

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