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Equine Transport Company Held Liable for Constructive Fraud in Show Horse’s Death

Equine Transport Company Liable for Constructive Fraud in Show Horse’s Death

Key Points:

  • Equine transport company sued for alleged negligence in show horse’s death
  • Horse owner claims company made material misrepresentations about its insurance coverage
  • Company found liable for constructive fraud


An equine transport company faced a lawsuit due to its alleged negligence in the death of a show horse named Elton. The horse’s owner accused the company of making material misrepresentations about its “superior insurance coverage for equine transport.” As a result, the company was held liable for its constructive fraud.

Hot Take:

In cases like these, it is crucial for horse owners to seek legal assistance from experienced law firms that specialize in equine law. The outcome of this case highlights the importance of holding companies accountable for their actions and ensuring that they provide accurate information about their services and insurance coverage. By pursuing legal action, horse owners can protect their valuable investments and ensure that transport companies adhere to the highest standards of care and professionalism.

Equine Transport Company Liable for Constructive Fraud in Show Horse’s Death

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Legal Referral