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Motor Vehicle Accident

Date, Time, Call, Location: Disposition 10/22/23, 1:25 am, Welfare Check, MN Hwy 22, Litchfield Twp: Handled By Officer/Deputy. 10/22/23, 1:31 am, Motor Vehicle Accident with Animal, CSAH 2, Forest City Twp: Handled By Officer/Deputy. 10/22/23, 18:02 pm, Domestic, CSAH 17, Forest Prairie Twp: Report Taken. 10/22/23, 8:45 pm, Traffic Stop, 708th Av, Dassel Twp: Warning.

Meeker County Incidents: Legal Help for Motor Vehicle Accidents with Animals and Victim Rights Protection

Date, Time, Call, Location: Disposition 10/22/23, 1:25 am, Welfare Check, MN Hwy 22, Litchfield Twp: Handled By Officer/Deputy. 10/22/23, 1:31 am, Motor Vehicle Accident with Animal, CSAH 2, Forest City Twp: Handled By Officer/Deputy. 10/22/23, 18:02 pm, Domestic, CSAH 17, Forest Prairie Twp: Report Taken. 10/22/23, 8:45 pm, Traffic Stop, 708th Av, Dassel Twp: Warning.