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Car Accident Verdict: Abdulbaaqee v. Wolk – $25,932 Awarded to Concussion Victim

Car Accident Case Summary: Abdulbaaqee v. Wolk

Key Points

  • Type of action: Personal injury, auto accident
  • Injuries alleged: Concussion and associated dizziness, memory, concentration, and vision problems
  • Name of case: Abdulbaaqee v. Wolk
  • Court: Virginia Beach Circuit Court
  • Case no.: CL21004426-00
  • Tried before: Jury
  • Name of judge or mediator: Judge Tanya Bullock
  • Date resolved: 6/6/2023
  • Special damages: $25,932.64
  • Offer: $21,232
  • Verdict or settlement: Verdict

Hot Take

In the recent car accident case of Abdulbaaqee v. Wolk, the plaintiff suffered a concussion and related symptoms due to an auto accident. The case was tried before a jury in the Virginia Beach Circuit Court, with Judge Tanya Bullock presiding. Despite the defendant’s offer of $21,232, the jury ultimately awarded the plaintiff $25,932.64 in special damages. This case highlights the importance of seeking legal representation in personal injury cases, as victims may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, consider reaching out to a law firm specializing in personal injury and auto accidents to ensure your rights are protected.

Car Accident Case Summary: Abdulbaaqee v. Wolk

Orginal article: Link To Article – provided by Legal Referral