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California’s Delete Act: Empowering Consumers Against Data Brokers

California State Legislature Passes Delete Act for Data Brokers

Key Points:

  • International Association of Privacy Professionals reports on Senate Bill 362
  • California State Legislature passes the Delete Act
  • Streamlines consumers’ ability to request deletion of personal information
  • Targets data brokers collecting consumer information

Hot Take:

The passage of Senate Bill 362, the Delete Act, by the California State Legislature is a significant step towards empowering consumers and protecting their privacy. This legislation aims to simplify the process for consumers to request the deletion of their personal information collected by data brokers. As privacy concerns continue to grow, it is crucial for individuals to have control over their data and the ability to seek legal assistance if their rights are violated. Law firms specializing in privacy and data protection should be prepared to assist clients in navigating this new landscape and ensuring their personal information is protected.

California State Legislature Passes Delete Act for Data Brokers

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